
API gender detection: A complete guide for beginners

api detección género

In today’s digital world, personalization and accuracy in identifying the gender of users has become a primary need for companies and developers. The gender detection API emerges as an essential tool in this scenario, offering efficient solutions for validating names, verifying surnames, and determining male or female gender from names with surnames, thus optimizing processes such as auto-completion, name and surname verification, and spelling and syntax validation in systems of all kinds. Its application ranges from improving database accuracy to personalizing the user experience on online platforms, making use of techniques such as fuzzy search to check registered names and provide more accurate results.

This article breaks down how these Rest APIs operate, particularly focusing on the features and benefits of a gender detection API. We will explore from how it works to how to integrate it into existing systems, highlighting best practices for its use and the importance of performing mass verification on user data. In addition, tips on how to validate surnames and names and implement spelling and syntax validation to ensure the quality and relevance of the data handled will be discussed. Thus, this resource aims to be a complete guide to accompany beginners and professionals on the road to the effective implementation of these detector APIs in their projects, thus improving the quality of the services offered and increasing end-user satisfaction.

What is a gender detection API

A gender detection API is a technological tool designed to identify a person’s gender from their first name, last name or even their email address. It uses algorithms and extensive databases to predict whether a name is more likely to be masculine or feminine, providing a significant level of accuracy that is crucial in many digital contexts.

Brief description

Gender API analyzes first and last names to determine their most likely association with a specific gender. This is achieved by analyzing patterns in large data sets and using machine learning techniques. In addition, some APIs can even evaluate email addresses to make gender predictions, which broadens their applicability.

Common uses

Common applications of a gender detection API include personalizing the user experience on online platforms, market segmentation for marketing campaigns, and improving accuracy in customer relationship management (CRM) systems. It is also useful in the verification and validation of data in large databases, ensuring that the information is accurate and up to date.

Case studies

In the field of security and prevention, for example, the architecture of systems that use gender detection APIs together with Machine Learning techniques to identify patterns and prevent situations of gender-based violence has been proposed. These systems can help state security forces and judges to determine optimal geographic areas and times for preventive actions. Moreover, in the enterprise context, companies such as Shopify and Mailchimp integrate these APIs to optimize their marketing services and improve customer interaction.

Operation of the gender detection API

Algorithms used

Gender detection APIs, such as Verify Emails, use sophisticated algorithms based on large databases containing more than 500 million records. These algorithms compare first and last names with stored data to determine the most likely gender.

Accuracy and reliability

The accuracy of these APIs is reflected in a reliability value that can reach 100%, indicating that the results of gender requests are completely accurate. This high level of accuracy is crucial for applications that require reliable name-based gender identification, especially in contexts where accurate data is critical for service customization or market segmentation.


Despite their advanced technology and accuracy, these APIs may have limitations. Some API endpoints are still in the experimental phase and may not deliver the expected quality of results in all regions. In addition, syntax and client support may change in the future, requiring constant updating by developers to maintain API compatibility and effectiveness in their applications.

How to integrate a gender detection API

To integrate a gender detection API into your application, it is crucial to follow a structured process to ensure the correct implementation and operation of the API. The steps and code examples required are detailed below, using the documentation available in API Name Validation as a reference.

Supported programming languages

The gender detection API is compatible with several programming languages, which facilitates its integration into different development environments. Some of the supported languages include JavaScript, Python, PHP, and Ruby. This compatibility ensures that you can work with the API in the language you are most comfortable with or are already using in your project. We have a Postman file for the validation of names and surnames where you have more than 30 code examples for the different programming languages.

Step-by-step integration guide

  1. Registering and obtaining credentials
    The first thing you need to do is to register as a developer on the platform offering the API and obtain your credentials, which include a client ID and an API key.

  2. Read the documentation
    Before starting the integration, it is essential that you read the documentation provided by the API. This will help you understand the endpoints available, the parameters you can send in your requests and the possible response codes.

  3. Initial configuration
    Configure your development environment to make HTTP requests to the API endpoints. This may involve setting up specific libraries to handle HTTP requests in your chosen programming language.

  4. Sending requests
    Use the credentials obtained to authenticate your requests. You can start by making simple requests to validate the configuration and make sure that everything is working correctly.

  5. Response handling
    Response Handling: Implements the logic necessary to handle API responses. This includes the interpretation of the returned gender data and its integration into your application.

Code examples

For ease of integration, here is an example of how to make a simple request using PHP:


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => 'https://dashboard.verificaremails.com/myapi/name/validate/single?term=Antxon',

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;


This example shows how to send a request to the API to determine the gender based on a name, using the HTTPS GET method. Be sure to replace 'tu_token_aquí' with your real API credentials.

The answer we get is of the type:

  "id": "676376",
  "term": "Antxon",
  "request_id": "676376",
  "result_code": "109",
  "result_type": "Hombre",
  "result": {
    "status": true,
    "message": {
      "result": {
        "first_name": {
          "country": {
            "Bolivia, Plurinational State of": "0.004",
            "Spain": "0.939",
            "France": "0.026",
            "Italy": "0.013",
            "Mexico": "0.009",
            "United States": "0.009"
          "gender": {
            "Female": "0.009",
            "Male": "0.991"
          "rank": {
            "Spain": "2534",
            "Bolivia, Plurinational State of": null,
            "France": null,
            "Italy": null,
            "Mexico": null,
            "United States": null
        "last_name": null,
        "describe": "Male, Spain"

If we look at the JSON of the response we can see that in the attribute “result_type: Male” it tells us the gender of the name. In addition to the genus, we can obtain detailed information about the origin of the name as well as the country where it is most widely used.

Best practices

Improve accuracy of results

To optimize the accuracy of results in a gender detection API, it is essential to implement thorough testing and strictly control the data your API accepts. Make sure that the API can correctly handle the different types of data and formats it receives. Implementing automated tests and validating data at each stage can prevent errors and improve system reliability. In addition to the name, the service allows you to add additional parameters such as the country where you want to focus the gender detection.

Error handling

Proper error handling is crucial for API stability and usability. Use clear HTTP status codes and error messages to guide developers on how to resolve problems. For example, if a user sends a POST request that is redirected and returned as a GET request, provide a specific error message explaining the problem and how to fix it. Also, customize error messages to be relevant to the tasks developers are trying to perform with your API.

Security and privacy

Security and privacy are key issues when working with sensitive data such as the names and genders of individuals. Ensure that all communication between the client and server is encrypted using secure protocols such as TLS 1.3. It implements measures such as firewalls, constant monitoring of servers and critical patches applied quickly to protect against vulnerabilities. In addition, it is important that personal data is stored securely and deleted when no longer needed, complying with data protection regulations such as the GDPR.


Throughout this article, we have explored the capabilities and benefits of using a gender detection API, an essential technology tool for service personalization and accuracy in gender identification in the digital realm. We have discussed how these APIs operate through sophisticated algorithms and extensive databases to deliver highly accurate results, reinforcing the importance of their integration into development projects to improve user interaction and database efficiency. In addition, guidelines have been provided on how to carry out this integration effectively, making use of specific code examples to facilitate understanding and practical application.

It is important to note that the proper and ethical use of these tools, along with careful implementation following the best practices discussed, can have a significant impact on the user experience and the accuracy of market segmentation. While we have concluded this guide with examples and practical advice, the field of gender identification through technology continues to evolve, suggesting the need for constant updating and adaptation to new techniques and data protection legislation. We remind developers and companies of the importance of continuing to research and adapt to improvements in this area in order to take full advantage of the possibilities offered by technology in data personalization and validation.

We have 3 APIs related to name and surname verification. In addition to obtaining information about the gender of the name, we can learn about its use in different countries and its origin. We recommend that you visit the section Validate names and surnames to learn more about the different services.


  1. How do I create an API from scratch?
    To create an API from scratch, start the REST API creation wizard by selecting File > New > REST API. Assign a name to the REST API and choose the option to create a REST API and define resources and operations manually. Finish the process by clicking on Finish.
  2. What does API mean for those who are just starting out?
    API stands for Application Programming Interface. It is a contract between two pieces of software that establishes how they should communicate. An example of this is when displaying a Twitter profile or a Google Maps map on a website, which is achieved through an API.
  3. What are some of the most common APIs?
    Among the most commonly used APIs are:
    • REST.
    • SOAP.
    • GraphQL.
    • RPC.
  4. What is an API and could you give some examples?
    An API (Application Programming Interface) is a mechanism that enables communication between two software components through a set of definitions and protocols. An example of this is the software system used by a meteorological institute that processes and distributes daily weather data.