
Best Email Verification Tools: A Complete Guide

Mejores herramientas para verificar emails

Successful email campaign delivery depends heavily on the quality of your subscriber lists.
Unfortunately, mailing lists often contain invalid, outdated or misleading email addresses that can cause bounces, damage your sender reputation and reduce open rates.
This is where email verification tools come into play, helping you identify and eliminate those problematic emails to optimize your email marketing efforts.

In this in-depth article, we will explore the top email verification tools available on the market.
We will analyze their key features, pricing, delivery accuracy and more, so that you can make an informed decision on which is the best option for your specific needs.
In addition, we will address the crucial factors to consider when choosing an email verification tool and the benefits of keeping your subscriber lists clean and up-to-date.

What to look for in Email Verification Tools?

When evaluating different email verification tools, it is critical to consider several key criteria.
These include:

Verification Accuracy

A tool’s ability to accurately identify valid, invalid and risky emails is critical.
High accuracy ensures that you effectively remove problematic email addresses without accidentally discarding legitimate subscribers.

Processing Speed

If you manage large subscriber lists, you will need a tool that can check emails quickly and efficiently.
A faster processing speed will allow you to clean your lists in a timely manner without unnecessary delays.

Integration with Email Marketing Platforms

The ability to integrate an email verification tool with your existing email marketing or CRM platform can save a lot of time and effort.
Look for tools that integrate seamlessly with the platforms you already use.
An added bonus to this capability is the ability to integrate verification services into web forms via widgets.

Detailed Reports and Analyses

High-quality email verification tools offer detailed reports that allow you to better understand the health of your subscriber lists.
These reports can provide valuable information on the types of problematic emails encountered, projected bounce rates and more.

Affordable Prices

While email verification tools can vary in price, it is important to find an option that fits your budget without compromising quality.
Many tools offer flexible subscription plans or the option to pay for credits as needed.

Compatibility with GDPR

If you have subscribers in the European Union, make sure you choose an email verification tool that complies with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
This will ensure that you handle your subscribers’ data securely and legally.

Reliable Customer Support

Regardless of your level of experience, it is likely that at some point you will need assistance with the email verification tool of your choice.
Therefore, look for providers that offer solid and responsive customer support.

What do Email Verification Tools look for?

Email verification tools use various methods to identify and classify emails into three main categories:

Send to:

This category includes valid and active email addresses that can receive email without problems.
Verification tools look for signals such as valid MX records, mail server responses and absence of bounces.

No Send to:

This category contains invalid or inactive email addresses that will almost certainly cause bounces.
Verification tools identify problems such as syntax errors, blocked mailboxes, disposable addresses and more.


This category includes email addresses that may be valid, but present a high risk of bounces or lack of engagement.
Common examples are full mailboxes, role addresses (such as [email protected]) and “accept all” domains.

In addition to these main categories, some email verification tools can also provide more detailed information about the verification status, such as the specific reason why an email is considered risky or invalid.

Comparison of Leading Email Verification Tools

Below, we will analyze some of the main email verification tools available on the market, highlighting their key features, pricing, strengths and weaknesses.


VerifyEmails is a comprehensive suite of email verification and deliverability testing tools, with an extremely user-friendly interface.
It is the only solution that allows you to validate phone numbers, names and postal addresses in a single platform.
You can verify your lists by uploading a spreadsheet, integrating with popular email service providers or using the email verification API.
You can also verify individual email addresses.

The verification process is fast and you can see the results as the check is performed.
The most prominent feature is the detailed reports, which clearly highlight whether email addresses are allowed, risky or not to send, while also breaking down the categories to show the exact reasons for the statuses.
This is especially useful, as VerifyEmails can identify more types of emails than many other tools.

Beyond email verification, VerifyEmails offers a complete suite of tools to validate all types of data.

  • Phone number verification: Allows in real time to validate phone numbers globally and obtain operator and country information.
  • Verification of postal addresses: Validates and corrects all types of postal addresses with global coverage.
  • Validation of names, surnames and gender detection: Allows you to detect the gender of names, correct misspellings and use auto-completion functionalities in forms.

Combined with the email verification tools, these features make VerifyEmails a powerful tool to optimize your email deliverability.

Key Features:

  • Individual and mass email verification
  • Access to API for real-time verification of email addresses
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Detailed reports and export
  • Email deliverability tools
  • GDPR Compliance
  • 98% delivery guarantee
  • 200 free credits


  • Starts at 5€ for 1,000 credits
  • Test with 10 free credits
Verificaremails Clearout Emailable ZeroBounce Hunter NeverBounce Million Verifier
Accuracy 99%+ 98%+ 98%+ 99% Information not available 99.9% 98%+
Other verification services Yes No No No Yes No No
Integrations 5000 with Zapeir 38 92 49 24 88 12
Resources Help guides, videos, code samples and Postman for the API Help guides and API documentation Help guides and blog Help guides and blog Help guides, blog and use cases Help guides and blog Help guides and blog
Pricing model Pay-per-use Pay-per-use and subscription Pay-per-use and subscription Pay-per-use and subscription Subscription Pay-as-you-go Subscription
Test account Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes
Initial Price From 5€. 31/month 25/month 15/month 34/month From 10€. 34/month


Emailable is an email verification and deliverability tool.
Cleaning your lists via spreadsheet or integration is super easy and generates a well presented report divided into deliverable, undeliverable, risk, unknown and duplicate categories.

The most prominent feature is that you can view individual email addresses to see how each one was categorized.
You can then choose which emails to export to your email service provider, giving you granular control over the export process.

Key Features:

  • Individual and mass email verification
  • API Access
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Reports
  • Email deliverability tools
  • GDPR Compliance
  • 99% delivery guarantee
  • Free plan with 25 credits


  • Starts at $38 for 5,000 credits
  • Varies from $0.0076 to $0.00145
  • Test with 250 free credits


Another tool for verifying email addresses is Bouncer is an email validation service with deliverability features.
It stands out because you can estimate the bounce rate of your list before cleaning it, which helps you decide whether you should clean it or not.
By not cleaning lists with a low estimated bounce rate, you will save credits and reduce costs.
Although, in most cases, it is beneficial to clean your list, even if the bounce rate is relatively low.

When you run a check, the report groups your emails into deliverable, risk, undeliverable and unknown.
However, the tool does not provide more information about why it groups the emails in your list.

Key Features:

  • Individual and mass email verification
  • API Access
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Reports
  • Email deliverability tools
  • GDPR Compliance
  • 100 free credits


  • Starts at $8 for 1,000 e-mails
  • Varies from $0.008 to $0.002 per email
  • Test with 100 free credits


Clearout is an email list verification and sales prospecting tool.
You can easily upload a file or connect to popular email service providers with built-in integration and then choose to optimize your list for accuracy or response time.

The tool clearly groups your emails and provides a more detailed breakdown in the verified results section.
From here, you can click to download your results and choose which ones to download.

Key Features:

  • Individual and mass email verification
  • API Access
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Reports
  • Sales prospecting functions
  • GDPR Compliance
  • 97% delivery guarantee
  • 100 free credits


  • Starts at $21 for 3,000 credits
  • Ranging from $0.007 to $0.0011
  • Test with 100 free credits


NeverBounce is a tool dedicated to email list verification.
It has a useful list analysis feature that will estimate the health of the list and tell you if it would benefit from a cleanup.
This is free and can help you save credits by not analyzing lists that are in good shape.

The results page is clear and the tool groups email addresses into valid, accept all, unknown, disposable and invalid.
At this point, you cannot see more information about why each email is in a specific list, although you can choose to download or not download different types of emails during the export process.

Key Features:

  • Individual and mass email verification
  • API Access
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Reports
  • GDPR Compliance
  • 97% delivery guarantee
  • 5 free credits


  • Starts at $8 per 1,000
  • Ranging from $0.008 to $0.003
  • Test with 5 free credits


ZeroBounce is an email list verification tool with deliverability features.
Once you create an account, verifying your list is easy: you will see a list of official integrations that you can use to import subscribers or you can upload a CSV file with your list.

The tool will then generate an easy-to-read report that groups the email addresses and highlights the problem.
A unique feature is that the tool will also guess the user’s name and gender from the email, which can help you personalize mass emails.

Key Features:

  • Individual and mass email verification
  • API Access
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Deliverability characteristics
  • Reports
  • GDPR Compliance
  • 99% delivery guarantee
  • 100 free credits


  • Starts at $18 for 2,000 e-mails
  • Varies from $0.009 to $0.00225 per email
  • Test with 100 free credits


Kickbox is an email verification tool with a simple user interface.
Bulk verification is easy and the tool generates a simple report that categorizes each email as deliverable, risk, undeliverable or unknown, and also breaks it down into categories such as role emails, disposable and accept all.

Key Features:

  • Individual and mass email verification
  • API Access
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Reports
  • GDPR Compliance
  • 95% delivery guarantee
  • 100 free credits


  • Starts at $5 for 500 emails
  • Varies from $0.
    01 to $0.004 per email
  • Test with 100 credits

Million Verifier

Million Verifier is an email list verification tool that focuses on the main features you need to verify email addresses.
These include individual and bulk email verification, API access and reporting.
The email verification tool also integrates with 17 leading email service providers, so yours is likely to be on the list.

When you finish a report, the tool will divide your results into Good, Risky and Bad email addresses, and then you can download the segments you choose.
The most outstanding feature is that you can set up an automation to regularly check subscriber lists on connected email marketing platforms.

Key Features:

  • Individual and mass email verification
  • API Access
  • Integration with popular email service providers
  • Reports
  • GDPR Compliance
  • 95% delivery guarantee
  • 100 free credits


  • Starts at $4.90 per 1,000 e-mails
  • Ranging from $0.00245 to $0.0002529


Hunter is a sales prospecting tool with email address authentication functions.
When you verify individual emails, the tool will provide additional relevant information, including images.
You can also use the tool’s email search engine to discover people’s email addresses with just their name and company.

The downside is that you must have a monthly subscription to Hunter’s sales prospecting features to access the email verification tool.
It also lacks some key verification features such as integration with email service providers and real-time verification via API.

Key Features:

  • Individual or mass email verification
  • Reports
  • GDPR Compliance
  • Sales prospecting functions
  • 50 free credits


  • Plans cost between $34 and $349 per month.
  • Additional credits cost between $0.05 and $0.0075, depending on your plan.
  • Test with 50 free credits

Additional Services: Verification of Telephone Numbers

In addition to email verification tools, some platforms also offer phone number verification services.
This additional service can be invaluable for companies that rely on telephone communication with customers and prospects.

VerifyEmails is one of the few platforms that offers a phone number verification service in addition to email verification.
Its phone number validation tool uses a global database to quickly verify the validity and type of number (mobile, landline, etc.).

This additional service can help you maintain accurate and up-to-date contact lists, which in turn improves the efficiency of your marketing and communication efforts.
By combining email and phone number verification, you can ensure that your multichannel marketing campaigns reach the right recipients.

Benefits of Maintaining Clean and Updated Email Lists

Regardless of the email verification tool you choose, keeping your subscriber lists clean and up-to-date offers numerous benefits:

Improved Delivery and Open Rate

By removing invalid, outdated or misleading email addresses, you significantly reduce the number of bounces and emails that never get delivered.
This in turn improves your delivery and open rates, which increases the chances that your subscribers will view and interact with your campaigns.

Protect your Reputation as a Sender

High levels of bounces and undeliverable emails can damage your sender reputation and increase the chances of your campaigns being flagged as spam.
By maintaining clean lists, you protect your reputation and improve the chances of your emails reaching the inbox.

Optimizes Return on Investment

By sending emails only to active and engaged subscribers, you optimize the ROI of your email marketing campaigns.
You reduce the costs associated with undelivered emails and increase the chances of conversion and sales.

Complies with Regulations

Many regulations, such as GDPR, require you to maintain accurate and up-to-date data about your subscribers.
By using an email verification tool, you can ensure compliance with these regulations and avoid possible penalties.

Choose the Best Email Verification Tool for Your Needs

Choosing the right email verification tool will depend on your specific needs and requirements.
Consider factors such as the size of your lists, frequency of verification, integration with your existing platforms and your budget.

If you are looking for a comprehensive solution with excellent accuracy, detailed reporting and additional deliverability tools, VerifyEmails may be an excellent choice.
If you prefer a more affordable tool with basic verification features where accuracy is not your priority, Million Verifier might be a better fit.

Regardless of the tool you choose, remember that regular verification of your email lists is essential to maintain high delivery rates, protect your sender reputation and optimize the ROI of your email marketing campaigns.