
Tools to validar email

Validar email addresses that you have in your database can influence your business’s success. If you are wondering how that is even possible, here’s a simple explanation. There is a chain reaction that have a strong impact on your brand. One of the most powerful marketing strategies is launching an email marketing campaign. But how can you be certain that a large percent of the people you send the mass email to will actually get it into their inboxes? You will not like the answer. In most cases, you can’t know whether you are doing a good job or not.

So, you might ask yourself if it is even worth it to spend your money on these campaigns. The answer is yes! But, you must find a way to ensure that almost 100% of the addresses in your database are valid. Otherwise, you will be sending emails without knowing what to expect or whether they will be successful or not. Many individuals reach a point where they spend a large chunk of their marketing budget on such a campaign and do not see any results. Why? Because most of the contacts they sent the emails to no longer use said addresses or the message gets delivered to the spam folder.

There is a way you can avoid all that and ensure that your email campaigns will have a higher success rate – opt for a tool that will help you validar email addresses. This simply means that you have to learn more about your options and pick the one that meets your needs. In this particular case, you have three distinct solutions: a tool that you must download on your computer, one that can be used online for free and one that can be used online but that requires you to pay an affordable fee for its features. Let’s analyze all of them so that you have access to all the relevant information which can be used to make an informed decision.

Here are the reasons why you should and should not opt for an email verification tool that requires you to install software on your computer. The only reason we could find as to why you should consider relying on such a solution would be the fact that you do not have to upload your database to any server. It will remain on your computer. Nevertheless, the list of disadvantages is a bit too long to make this option a viable one. You must always be cautions when you are asked to install a program on your computer.

You just never know what will happen next. Maybe you get it installed and it works. But maybe, you install it and you are blocked out of your computer. Maybe you get a virus that will require you to reinstall your operating system without being able to recover any data from your computer. There is no point in taking such risks when you could just as well verify your list of contacts online, without putting your own laptop/personal computer at risk. This leads us to the next option that you can rely on when you want to comprobar email.

When you opt for a free tool, the main advantage that you will benefit from is the fact that you do not have to get any money out of your pocket, even though we are talking about verifying millions of addresses. The main disadvantage that you will probably do not like the sound of is the fact that you do not really know if this free tool actually works. It might not be worth it to wait for hours or more to have your database checked only to launch an email campaign that will bring similar results as the ones before you supposedly removed invalid addresses.

Is it worth the trouble? Now really. But, in the end, it is your choice. If you feel a bit disappointed at the moment, you should not give up hope as there is a third option that will most probably help your business more than you can imagine. From now on, you will no longer wonder if you have waste money on email campaigns or make decisions for your business based on presumptions that are not backed up by data. Knowing that a tool can remove at least 98% of invalid addresses means that you can count on the data that you use as a starting point for your marketing goals.

The third option is a tool that allows you to comprobar email online, but that will require you to pay a fee based on the package that you choose. The best part about it is that you can test the software yourself without needing to get any money out of your pocket or needing to install anything on your computer. You just create a free account on their website and upload up to 100 contact that you want to be checked. Before you know it, an updated list will be delivered to you. You don’t have to do anything complicated. Upload the list, click on the verification option and wait. You can even do something else until it is done.

Why should you even consider paying for a tool when you could simply opt for a free one? The most important advantage that a premium verifier will offer you is the fact that you will no longer have any invalid emails in your list. This is the most important part – knowing for sure that any contacts that can harm your sender reputation and get your emails to be delivered to the spam folder – are permanently removed from your database.

Our platform is here to make your email marketing campaigns more efficient while ensuring that they have a higher success rate, mostly due to the fact that your mass email is delivered to the inboxes of your contacts. You can rely on our tool over and over again as we can accommodate all growing databases, regardless if we are talking about verifying 1000 addresses or millions at a time!