
All verification services on a single platform

Validate all your data on a single platform. Verify your mailing addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses, first names, last names and validate their gender.

Our verification method allows you to validate all your data in real time or massively through files. You can automate the whole process with our verification APIs.

We give you credits for evaluating our verification services.

Servicios Verificación

Validation service features

Easy and Intuitive

Via API Rest or Web portal

Used by +3500

Companies Worldwide

100% accuracy

Guaranteed Reliability

More than 3,500 companies use our verification methods

Data verification service

VerifyEmails is the only platform on the market that allows you to validate all types of data. Through our interface, through files or with our API you will be able to verify your records.

Through our platform you will be able to manage all your verification processes autonomously. Pay only for the resources you use.

We also develop customized verification services capable of meeting all your functional and technical needs.

We validate all types of data

Our services allow you to verify email addresses, phone numbers, postal addresses, first names, last names and detect the gender of your contacts.

Verification of e-mail addresses

Validates email addresses in real time. We perform more than 25 tests to know the status of each email address. From simple syntactic validation to deep connection to find out account status.

For more information visit the Verify emails section.

Validar numeros de teléfono via web

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Verification of telephone numbers

We have 3 methods to verify phone numbers. The most accurate is the HLR Lookup validation that allows to know if a mobile number is active.

The MNP Lookup check obtains information about the current operator of the mobile number as well as the IMSI number.

You can also perform a syntactic validation to obtain country information, time zone and correctness of the data.

In the section Validate phone numbers we explain in detail how these 3 methods work and the main differences between them.

Servicios verificación ficheros

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Validate postal addresses

Verification of postal addresses not only allows you to correct address errors, but also completes your data.

From incomplete data, you will be able to obtain an accurate postal address following the standards, knowing at all times which data have been validated and which have been inferred and their degree of accuracy.

For more information visit the Validate postal addresses section.

Servicio verificación API

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Validate first and last names

We have 3 services to verify names and surnames:

  • The “FuzzySearch” service allows you to correct a first or last name by detecting spelling errors.
  • The auto-completion service suggests first and last names when typing data into a form, speeding up the data entry process and eliminating errors.
  • We have a verification service that allows us to validate the name or surname, detect its gender, its popularity and the main countries of use.

Learn in detail how the services work by visiting the validate postal addresses section.

Validador teléfonos

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How we validate your data

We combine AI artificial intelligence algorithms with real-time connectivity testing with external networks and databases to provide the highest degree of reliability in verification processes.

Detailed validation

We perform more than 25 tests for each record to obtain a higher degree of accuracy.

Contrasted data

We compare your information with external databases and services to improve accuracy and enhance data.

White label

Use our API and validate your or your customers' data under your brand.

GDPR compiler

We comply with European data protection regulations. Your data will always be safe.

Supplements data

We not only validate or correct your data but also extend its scope.

Why use verification services?

It is becoming more expensive every day to get new contacts. Lead acquisition has become one of the main concerns of companies.

Once we have captured a new contact the work does not end, it is passed on to the sales department who must convert the lead into a new customer.

What happens if our client, when registering, or when transcribing his data, has made a mistake. All the money invested in recruitment will have been for nothing.

Using data verification methods increases the number of new contacts by 18%. Eliminating possible errors at the point of capture.

Validation can also be used in your databases, saving time and resources to the marketing/commercial department by working only with valid contacts and all this without the need to contact the user.

servicio validación teléfonos

Verification methods

You have 4 methods to validate your data either through our Web portal, massively through forms, automating the entire validation process with the API or using our widget in Web forms.

Verification on our website.

Our validation method allows verifications to be performed individually, through our portal.

Entering the data to be verified in the “Quick Request” form. In a few seconds you will get the validation data, as well as extended contact information.

Validar numeros de teléfono via web

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Bulk email address file-based verification check.

If you have a large volume of data to process or a database of contacts, you can upload the file to our system. Once the verification process is completed, you will receive an email and you will be able to download the verified data.

As with the individual verification, we will provide you with a summary of the verification so that you can easily classify your data, as well as detailed information on the validation process.

Servicios verificación ficheros

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Automation of the email validity process via API check

If you are going to perform the verification process on a regular basis or want to integrate it with your systems, what you need is to use our data validation API. In a simple way and using our call library you will be able to have code examples to perform all kinds of verifications.

Servicio verificación API

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Verification in forms

Through our wizard you will be able to create a Widget to verify forms, so you can use all the power of data validation services in your forms without the need of programming knowledge.

We also have an integration with Zapier to verify data. Through our Zap, integrate with more than 1,200 apps in the Zapier ecosystem.

Validador teléfonos

We give you credits to evaluate our solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

For data verification we use AI artificial intelligence algorithms to validate the data. We complement this information with real-time connectivity tests or by cross-checking data with external networks or databases to contrast or complement the information.

Free credits are available for you to test the service of email validation, phone number verification, postal address validation or name, surname and gender detection verification for free. Just register and you will be able to verify your data individually, via files or API.

The data verification service works in real time. On average it takes 1-2 seconds to validate a record. The validation of the files depends on the number of records they contain.

Data verification packs are valid for one year. If a recharge is made before the end of the year, the unused credits are accumulated.

Our interactions are secured with 256-bit SSL encryption. Your contact information is stored encrypted on servers in the EU, in compliance with our privacy policy. Only someone with authorized credentials can access.

If authentication occurs via API, we do not retain any contact data.

We have a help area where you can consult the portal’s user manuals as well as the API’s technical documentation.

Do you have a large file or need help?

Verificar Emails specializes in global phone verification +34 93 451 11 00